Pada akhir bulan Januari 2023, salah satu agensi vtuber yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat, Tsunderia, memutuskan untuk menghentikan aktivitas bisnisnya. Tsunderia merupakan agensi VTuber yang berbasis di Los Angeles, California.
Pernyataan berhentinya Tsunderia dari kegiatannya sebagai Agensi Vtuber dituangkan melalui pernyataan resmi berikut ini.
“It is with deep regret, sadness, and heartache that | must announce that effective January 25.2023, Tsunderia as a VTuber agency will be dissolved. Please note that this decision was finalized prior to the previous announcement regarding Purin. However, arrangements with individual talents were yet to be finalized
Tsunderia was the first VTuber agency to cater to a western audience and played a key part in bringing the medium to a largely new culture outside of Japan. We launched four generations of talent over the last 3 years. Unfortunately, we no longer have the resources to continue our operations. Our three year anniversary was only 5 months away, and words cannot adequately express my disappointment that we will not be able to reach that milestone.
All current Tsunderia VTubers will keep their identities and channels. They deserve to carry on with the audiences they worked so hard to build and entertain. In addition, the TsunDream Discord Server will remain. Please continue to support every single one of them. They are all wonderful content creators, and wonderful people.
I want to express my heartfelt condolences to everyone that is affected by this news. This is not an easy decision to make. | am deeply thankful for the support that you have all given to Tsunderia and its talents over the past few years. As always, please be respectful to our VTubers, current and former, and refrain from speculation
in their communities. And please show them all the love in the world. They deserve all of it and more.
Tsunderia as a company may be gone, but the legacy it created will ive on forever. | cannot
thank you enough for being part of it.
Signing off for the last time,
Tsunderia memulai aktivitas mereka sebagai agensi vtuber pada tahun 2020. Selama melakukan kegiatannya sebagai agensi vtuber, Tsunderia menyatakan bahwa mereka memiliki tuajuan membawa hiburan berkualitas melalui dukungan kepada kreator dimulai manajemen streaming harian, bantuan dengan desain awal dan pengembangan lebih lanjut, hingga pembuatan konten yang menarik baik secara fisik maupun digital. Dalam perkembangannya, Tsunderia Mereka telah bekerja sama dengan VTube Studio, yang merupakan aplikasi untuk melacak wajah dan menganimasikan model Live 2D.
Pada bulan Juli lalu, Tsunderia mengadakan audisi generasi keempatnya. Hingga berhentinya aktivitas mereka, belum diperoleh informasi mengenai proses maupun hasil dari audisi tersebut.
Beberapa talenta yang pernah bergabung dengan Tsunderia adalah Purin Inukai (犬養プリン), Hanabi Amemachi (雨街はなび), Nen Tsurugi (弦稀ネン), Tomoya Uzuki (卯月トモヤ), Kazune Tetsuya (徹夜和音), Lisa Chikafuji (近藤リサ), dan juga Amiya Aranha (アミヤ・アラニャ). Sebagian dari talenta mereka memutuskan untuk melanjutkan kegiatan mereka sebagai vtuber independen seiring berhentinya kegiatan Tsunderia.